Home SellingHome SellingHome SellingHome Selling March 30, 2024

Spring Cleaning Tips: Where to Start Your Home Decluttering

The Spruce has a good article about home decluttering. Here are the highlights of the article which provides 6 golden rules from professional organizer Sumner Canfield for effectively decluttering your home during spring cleaning:

1. Start small with a manageable space first before tackling larger areas.

2. Get rid of items you no longer use or need, even if you originally had good intentions for them.

3. Check expiration dates and discard expired food, medications, cosmetics, etc.

4. Digitize manuals, records, artwork, etc. instead of keeping stacks of physical papers.

5. Discard any single items that have lost their mates (socks, containers without lids, etc).

6. Regularly go through kids’ toys, clothes and supplies to donate anything outgrown or no longer used, enlisting their help.

The key is to start small, be ruthless about purging unused items, and maintain the decluttering process regularly, especially for kids’ belongings.

If you’d like to read the full article, you can find it here.